The Dominion League Weekly Podcast

The Dominion League Weekly Podcast

Dec 19, 2022

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Open door 19 of the DLW Advent Calendar 2022! Join the discord to look at the card history while you listen to Donald X.

Odes of the day:

Mountebank by seanahan

Mountebank Mountebank Games with it really stank So much junk decks would tank Then you would dud

Mountebank Mountebank Engines? Completely jank! Donald said walk the plank He is our bud

Mountebank Mountebank All of its memes were dank Skipping it? Let’s be frank You will get killed

Mountebank Mountebank Games with it truly stank Donald X we should thank Now let us build

Mountebank by JNails

Monte made a living off a rank protection racket Offering elixir for a respite from attack, yet Utterly annihilating any found to lack it None could run a working engine; all who tried were lost Those who sought to prosper had to pay his cursed cost Even so he might drop in again after it’s tossed

Buried by his flood of copper, one too many drowned Adding to his status as the baddest man around Now the feds have intervened and shut the whole thing down Keep a lookout anyway, a charlatan’s in town


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About this podcast

Listen to a summary of this week in Dominion games.

by strumphf


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